My art features urban landscapes and nature scenes in watercolour.

In my latest series of watercolours I am focusing on places where people gather inside the city. While mostly searching out older buildings for their interesting design details I also look for unique store signs and people in and around the location. I design the painting after taking many photos and follow after with a drawing transfer onto watercolour paper. I apply watercolour paint in layers from light to dark slowly building the scene and focusing on the details. I strive to create a mood and a feeling of the “fleeting moment” as with all my work.
My drawings feature mostly nude figures done in chalk pastels created on the spot in a life drawing setting working from live models. Drawing the human form opens up possibilities to use figure drawings within forest paintings.
My studio #1 at 1178 Welch Street is part of an artists collective with 9 other artists located at the beautiful Welch Street Studios located east of Pemberton Ave in North Vancouver. I also am a graphic designer, produce web sites, and mentor young adults with disabilities.
Studio 1 - 1178 Welch Street Studios
facebook: www.facebook.com/michael.g.brouillet
email: micbro@telus.net